Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blog Response. Election Goes down in history

While I agree whole heartedly that this election was historic, I do not agree with your take on what constitutes a viable platform. President-Elect Obama’s plan to raise taxes applies to those individuals who make over $250,000 a year. This represents less than 6% of families and households in the United States according to the US Census Bureau. These above average income individuals include CEO’s of large companies who just received $700 billion in tax money from citizens whose median income ranges from $48,000 - $70,000 a year. I would much rather see “the wealth” spread from top to bottom than from bottom to top. Maybe McCain does feel strongly about raising taxes in a volatile economic climate or maybe he doesn’t want taxes to go up on all the homes he has, which were apparently to numerous to recollect on demand.
As for the war in Iraq, I don’t see how losing over 4,000 Americans soldiers and over 45,000 Iraqi citizens can be viewed as a winning strategy. Bringing our troops home now would be the truly honorable thing to do. I agree that those troops lost their lives “for no reason”; America should never have been there to begin with. The current administration coerced the American public to believe the unsubstantiated claim that Iraq was harboring weapons of mass destruction. Those men and women need to come home and protect our land here, not special interests abroad.
Only the ignorant and uniformed would create chaos and plot assassinations based on the outcome. This election has gone down in the history books and I’m glad the citizens of this country and Senator McCain had enough civility to end the race on a unified note.